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What gets measured gets managed

The hotel industry is endorsing sustainable development more, and most hotel companies have included it in their business strategy.To make a difference it?s important that hotels and hotel companies implement measurements and report them because no strategy is viable without the ability to measure and recognize it.

Measurements should indicate milestones of a hotel?s sustainable development efforts and defining objectives.

They should be as simple as possible to read and understand for the public.

After a while, it?ll be interesting to compare results of hotels in the same division.

Maybe one day soon, we?ll be able to benchmark sustainability efforts versus our competitive set the same way we benchmark revenue per available room.

These measurements prove a hotel?s commitment to the environment and help improve its results every year.

There are other measurements that can be organized around the social responsibility section (people) of the triple bottom line (profit, planet and people)?for example, the number of hours per employee devoted to charitable work, the number of training hours per employee, the outcome of charitable and community programs, diversity within the hotel and lost hours statistics.

To help independent hotels measure and improve their impact on the world persistently, it?s highly recommended to use a measurement program.

Such a program is extremely valuable for owners, too, because hotels will be able to consistently improve their impact on the environment and their energy costs.

A sustainability report is an excellent communication tool.

Its impact on stakeholders is the reporting, disclosure and transparency of the commitment the company makes to sustainable development ideals.

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Source: Herv? Houdr? (2009).? What gets measured gets managed, published May 29, 2009. Viewed June 01, 2009,