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Behind the scenes of The Good Food and Wine Show

This was my second time working the Good Food and Wine Show, and I have to say … I love salt!

A few people have looked at me funny as I raved about the salt. I felt better when I showed Cyrus Todiwala my favourite salt, and he loved it too. So we raved about it together!

The salt is known as Oryx Desert Salt. It is pure gourmet salt from the Kalahari Desert, and a sustainable resource. So it?s not just good for you, but also brilliant for the environment. I have to admit that my Ireland experience made me a little tree hugger. I?m very passionate about caring for the environment these days…

Good Food and Wine show 2012

Cyrus and I on stage

So like I mentioned previously, I worked with Cyrus Todiwala. I have to be honest that I was skeptical about working with him, but it ended up as a huge ?jol? ? I loved it! I loved him and his wife; they are the most relaxed people ever.

After day one, Cyrus requested that I assist with his prep at all his shows. Thus I had to work on two stages with him. This made life rough, as I had to run up and down the show, doing prep for six recipes twice daily.

It did pay off though ? he offered for Zama and myself to come work in his restaurants at any time!

Good Food and Wine Show 2012

A few moments after Cyrus Todiwala invited me to London

So if you were like me and don?t know much about Cyrus, he recently cooked for the Queen at her Jubilee. He cooked the ?rst lunch; his famous dish called the Country Captain. He also owns a restaurant called Caf? Spice Namast?, and recently opened another called Mr Todiwala?s Kitchen ? the ?rst time he?s put his name on a restaurant.

On top of that, he has plans to open the third restaurant at the end of September. He is born in Mumbai, but lives in London at the moment.

So now the question is, should I stay with my plans to go to Disney World or go to London?


Good Food and Wine Show 2012

Setup Day? Sales busy ?installing? the IHS Stall.

Good Food and Wine Show 2012

Clean, neat and tidy – all our ingredients.









Good Food and Wine Show 2012

Located fridges ? Each Chef gets their own fridge!

Good Food and Wine Show 2012

So the prep starts ?









Good Food and Wine Show 2012

Everybody hard at work?

Good Food and Wine Show 2012

Allen cooking our lunch! Every day we were fed so well!












Good Food and Wine Show 2012

Me, Victoria (1000 Hills) and Cyrus.

Good Food and Wine Show 2012

We were all exhausted on Sunday!










We still lived the life and went to a club afterwards. George and his team joined after a while.

Good Food and Wine Show 2012

Me making the delicious Lemonade Bread.









Good Food and Wine Show 2012

Cyrus explaining what we just cooked?









Thanks for reading Behind the scenes of The Good Food and Wine Show
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