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Guoman Hotel Management (UK) Limited Achieves Carbon Trust Standard

Guoman Hotel Management (UK) Limited is delighted to be awarded the prestigious Carbon Trust Standard which recognises the approach to saving energy and successfully reducing carbon emissions across all 36 Guoman and Thistle hotels in the UK during the period 2009 to 2011.

Guoman Hotel Management (UK) Limited has undertaken and implemented a number of initiatives to reduce carbon emissions and achieve the Carbon Trust Standard. Hotels have been targeted to reduce energy consumption with low energy and LED lighting installed as a brand standard. Motion sensors have been installed in conference rooms and air conditioning units have been upgraded. Particular focus in this area includes staff training with housekeepers, ensuring that all electrical appliances have been switched off before cleaning begins.

A series of additional projects have also been implemented to promote carbon management across the Guoman Hotel Management (UK) portfolio. These include:

??Kitchen: There has been a focus to reduce food waste and to source ingredients locally, as well as implementing better systems to control air conditioning. Food digesters also replaced waste disposal units across all hotels meaning food waste can be broken down on site rather than transported elsewhere.

??Water saving: Various innovations have been installed across all hotels including tap restrictors and dual flush cisterns which effectively reduce the volume of water used.

??Guest amenities: Where practical, toiletries have been chosen that include higher levels of natural ingredients and packaged using biodegradable or recyclable material.

Heiko Figge, Managing Director of Guoman & Thistle Hotels commented, ?We are extremely honoured to achieve the Carbon Trust Standard, and I?d like to thank each and every one of our colleagues across our hotel group for their contribution and dedication. This is something we can really celebrate. The Carbon Trust Standard is great recognition of our achievements in carbon reduction and demonstrates our continued commitment to reducing carbon emissions year on year. We?re all very proud to be acknowledged with such a high profile award.?

Darran Messem, Managing Director of Certification at the Carbon Trust commented, ?Taking action on carbon is not only an environmental imperative, but can also deliver tangible cost savings and reputational benefits. We congratulate Guoman Hotel Management for taking action to reduce the Group?s environmental impact and achieving the Carbon Trust Standard. By achieving the Carbon Trust Standard, Guoman Hotel Management is providing assurance to stakeholders and customers that the Group is taking action to reduce its environmental impact.?

Source: Thistle