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Hoteliers hold top spot for employment

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Hotels have outperformed other areas of the hospitality industry when it comes to recruitment activity according to the latest Hospitality Employer Index report released by leading recruitment specialists,, and the sector skills council, People 1st.

Advertisements across a range of key hotel-related posts have risen by five percent in quarter one to 17,734, while applications for these roles overall have increased by ten percent.

Yet recruitment in other areas of the industry has remained static, although application levels have continued to rise to hit their highest level since the Hospitality Employment Index began in 2010.

With the Eurozone crisis unresolved and concern about the impact of the Olympics, employers appear ?to ?be ?adopting ?a ??wait ?and ?see? ?approach, ?with ?considerable uncertainty ?about ?current ?and future economic conditions.

With limited further growth expected for businesses this year, employers appear to be concerned with the ongoing economic situation, which has resulted in a reluctance to proceed with staff expansion.

Simon ?Numphud, ?Hotel ?Services ?Manager, ?AA ?Hotel ?Services ?said: ??We ?sense ?that 2012 ?will ?be ?a? year of consolidation rather than growth for our members. Whilst the Olympics creates opportunities for establishments in London and other key areas for the events, there is less impact for the majority of our members across the rest of the UK. The Olympics has created a double edged sword as businesses expect to do well throughout the Games, however there is an uncertainty of what the impact to the business will be pre and post. Expectations are that it will result in a stable year ?as ?opposed ?to ?substantial growth.?

While hotels saw the largest level of growth for job advertisements overall, within the industry there were marked differences between different roles. Demand for porters and catering staff rose by 17 percent and eight percent respectively, while advertisements for reception/concierge roles fell by ten percent. Yet amongst those jobs advertised, the competitiveness for reception/concierge positions was at an all-time high of 72 applications per position.

Source: People 1st and, Hospitality Employment Index
Advertisements for chef positions, which are traditionally difficult to recruit and retain, have increased 14 percent, while the number of applications has increased by 31 percent, making it amongst the most competitive fields to enter.

Damian Spillane, People Development Manager, Park Inn Hotel, Heathrow ?said: ??We ?are not currently recruiting for new chefs for the Olympics as we believe the legacy will create a greater impact and will be part of our three year plan to recruit for more positions post Olympics. Presently we are maintaining and developing ?our ?current ?team ?base.?

With expectations that the Olympics will increase business for the industry, the next HEI report will show whether businesses left their recruitment too late or whether the demand was fulfilled from the outset.

For the first time, the Q1 Hospitality Employer Index report also provides readers with predictions of trends businesses should be aware of it they are to enhance their overall operations.

Register and download a free copy of the report at