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Nightcation breaks – A growing trend among workaholic Britons

Every week one in ten Britons is squeezing an extra week of unpaid work into their working schedule

As a result, British workers give away more than ?157bn in unpaid overtime every year.

More workaholic Britons are taking a Saturday Nightcation in order to recharge their batteries and boost relationships

Workaholism is a growing addiction among Britain?s workforce, according to new research issued today by Travelodge. So big is the problem that one in ten British workers is cramming a whole extra week of unpaid work on top of their working schedules. Meanwhile a third of Britons are working an additional 16 hours per week, in order to manage their workload and keep their boss happy.

In today?s volatile financial climate, work has become the core of modern life with a third of respondents reporting they are working an average of 16 hours a week more than they did five years ago.

This overtime culture means the average worker puts in 9.1 extra unpaid hours every week, which translates into ?5,276.18 in unpaid time every year. Across the working population, this means British workers give away ?157.2bn in unpaid time.

All work and no play is creating a relentless pressure on British workers, with 66% of adults experiencing soaring stress levels on a regular basis and 31% finding it difficult to get through the average week.

The research also reveals that job insecurity and having to work around the clock is such a priority for workers that 37% of workaholic Britons are forgoing a long holiday and are instead opting for a series of regular stress buster Nightcation breaks – in order to de-stress and recharge.

A third of workers believe taking regular one night breaks throughout the year is better for their well being than taking one long holiday. A quarter of workers surveyed admitted they relied on a regular Nightcation break to help them get through their manic work schedule.

Shakila Ahmed, Travelodge Spokeswoman said: ?This year we have experienced a significant rise in just Saturday night bookings compared to previous years. To obtain a better understanding of the rational behind this trend we commissioned research to investigate how the economic crisis is affecting the psychologies of British holidaymakers.

?Our research findings have highlighted that Nightcation breaks are a growing trend amongst Britons as they are an easy to book, cost effective short break that help workaholic Britons recuperate and recharge for the week ahead.?

More than a third of workers recognise that a Nightcation gives their relationship with their partner a much needed boost and reignites the spark. In addition two thirds of respondents said a good night?s sleep and a good value hotel were factors that encouraged them to book regular Nightcation breaks.

Corinne Sweet, psychologist and author of Change Your Life with CBT said: ?This research is certainly a wake-up call for us to switch off our gadgets and get away from the clutter, pressure and stress of working life. Cramming an extra week?s worth of work into an average week shows danger signs of us becoming a nation of workaholics, heading for serious psychological and physical ?burnout?.

?Yet, home can also be cluttered and pressured, and it can be harder to switch off from work than we hope. So a ?Nightcation? could make a huge difference to well being by providing a way to switch off. A night away can provide a simple change of scenery, relief from routine and responsibility, and a chance to relax, sleep and enjoy time with your partner ? or even alone.

?Even just knowing you are going to have a night away can boost your endorphin levels, and therefore support your immune system, just like the old ?change is as good as a rest? maxim.?

Further research findings highlighted that 40% of workers have to regularly work at home in the evenings, and a third have to put in extra hours over the weekend in order to manage their workload.

Cramming in such busy workloads comes at a cost, with relaxation time at a premium. A third of workers spend less than six hours relaxing at the weekend and 60% head into each weekend knowing they won?t be able to get work out of their minds at all.

On top of all this, 24/7 access to email is an added intrusion that makes it even harder for workers to unwind. The constant presence of email means that workers are always plugged into the office and are checking their inboxes around the clock.

One in five adults surveyed said that they check their email as soon as they wake up in the morning whilst 13% of workers stated they regularly wake up in the middle of the night to check incoming emails.

One in ten workers reported they will regularly interrupt important conversations with loved ones to check their work email and, in another snub to loved ones, over half of British workers admitted to missing an important family occasion due to work.

Source: Travelodge