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Snowfall in Paris on 7 December ? Advice to travellers

Air France staff are doing all they can to limit the possible impact on its flight operations of snowfall in the Paris region during the night of 7 December.

– More than 5,000 Air France staff at Paris-Charles de Gaulle and Paris-Orly are on hand to assist customers and inform them in case of disruption.

– Air France will do its utmost to inform its customers in real time:

  • at, in the Flight schedules section,
  • online at or the Air France iPhone, Android, Windows Phone and BlackBerry Apps,
  • via SMS by texting your flight number to 6 3654 (e.g.: AF6250),
  • by calling 00 33 1 57 02 10 58 (from 6:30am to 10pm).

– In case of cancellations, delays or postponed flights, Air France has a service which informs customers directly on their cell phone, smartphone or by e-mail. This service, called AF Connect, is free of charge and available for all passengers worldwide, without prior registration or subscription.

– Air France customers can also change their reservation:

  • at, in the "View / modify your reservations" section,
  • by calling 00 33 1 57 02 10 58 (from 6:30am to 10pm).

– Furthermore, as access to Paris-Charles de Gaulle and Paris-Orly may be difficult on Friday morning, Air France advises its customers to bear this in mind when planning their transport to the airport.To be personally notified, Air France invites its customers to update the contact details (cell phone and / or e-mail address) in their reservation file. Air France will therefore be able to inform them personally by SMS or e-mail in case of disruption to their flight.