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Hotel Assets Group Announces it has 36 Full Service Hotels on the Market

ATLANTA ? April 10, 2013?? Hotel AG announced today the firm currently has 36 full service hotels on the market.? The firm, best known for its select service group specializing in hotel portfolio sales, currently has 36 full service hotels on the market ranging in value from $400k a room and below, with the largest hotel just over 700 rooms. The firm has closed 76 hotel transactions in the past 12 months of which 16 of the 76 were full service hotels.

[quote]Keith Thompson, principal of the firm, commented, ?We see great value and market share in both select service and full service hotel real estate segments. We recently have been engaged on almost as many full service hotels as select service hotels.? [/quote]

[box type=”tick”]About Hotel AG

Hotel AG is a national hotel brokerage firm headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia. The firm has closed 1 hotel transaction every 7 days for the past 30 months and 76 hotels within the last 12 months. Today the firm has almost 300 hotels on the market with a large percentage of the 300 under sale agreement. The firm specializes in select service and full service hotels within the US and works with CMBS lenders, whole loan banks, REITs, public companies, investment funds and private investors. The firm has 15 national brokers and 19 partners.[/box]