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Aeroflot Introduces New Low-Cost Airline ? Dobrolet

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Aeroflot Group now includes a?budget airline named Dobrolet. Originally, it?was the name of?the joint-stock company established in?1923, a?predecessor of?today?s Aeroflot.

Dobrolet will be?based in?the Moscow region. The fleet of?the new airline will consist of?Boeing- 737-800NG?s in?one class configuration. It?is?assumed that the low-cost carrier will start operating in?spring of?2014. At?the initial stage the airline will fly to?the most popular destinations in?the European part of?Russia.

The reduction of?transportation cost up?to?40?% compared to?the ?traditional? carriers will be?achieved in?several ways. Among them are: the increase of?the number of?seats in?the cabin of?an?aircraft by?reducing the pitch between the seats and fixed backrests; only direct ticket sales; an?additional payment for a?comfort seat, checked baggage, priority boarding, and meals on?board; a?possibility to?book and sell additional services online at?the company?s web site.

JSC ?Aeroflot? owns 100% of?shares in?the new company. An?estimated investment in?the project will be?around $100 million over the first two years. The airline will operate 8?aircraft in?the year of?the launch; the annual fleet growth is?planned as?an?average of?8?aircraft per year. Vladimir Gorbunov is?appointed the Director General of?Dobrolet.

?A?low-cost carrier in?Russia will not fly unless we?harmonize our legislation with the existing norms of?the global industry, such as?non-refundable tickets, meals on?board for a?fee, baggage fees, the ability to?hire pilots?? residents of?foreign countries, primarily to?reduce the shortage of?aircraft captains,??? said Aeroflot CEO Vitaly Saveliev. ??We?expect the appropriate legislative decisions to?be?taken by?the end of?this year. By?doing?so, the state will contribute greatly to?the launch of?the project of?such huge importance for Russia.”

Source Press Release,