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Hospitality tax battle lines: City vs. county?

Melbourne city historic building Flinders station railway victoria colonial style yellow bricks
Melbourne city historic building Flinders station railway victoria colonial style yellow bricks

New money and divisions along urban and rural lines have left Richland County Council in a quandary over use of its hospitality tax revenues, money devoted to bringing in tourists.

Wednesday, the council will try to come to amicable terms on what has become a heated issue, after chairman Kelvin Washington put together a six-vote majority devoting $44 million over the next 25 years to smaller projects in outlying council districts.

That approach could mean the Columbia-based agencies that get the largest county allocations would get hit with budget cuts next year. But community groups the Columbia Museum of Art, Historic Columbia Foundation and EdVenture have engaged in email and phone campaigns, hoping to sway the conversation.

?We?re trying to not only satisfy our local residents, but we?re trying to showcase this community and this county for people coming in,? said Catherine Horne, director of the EdVenture children?s museum.

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Source: Dawn Hinshaw (2013). EHospitality tax battle lines: City vs. county?, The State? published Jun 10, 2013. Viewed Jun 11, 2013.