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Key phrase of the week: Resource efficiency at zero altitude

The efficient use of resources in day-to-day operations is a top priority for the Lufthansa Group ? both in the air and on the ground. Take paper usage, for example. At present, about 78 per cent of the printer and copy paper used by the Group in Germany is recycled paper. For printing purposes, only recycled paper with the ?Blue Angel? eco-symbol is used. That saves 91 tonnes of CO2 per year ? and more than 16 million litres of water. Recycled paper is also used for Lufthansa?s inflight magazine, as well as for its Annual Report and its sustainability report, Balance.
A large number of processes at the Lufthansa Group are already completely paper free. These range from electronic boarding passes through to the paperless cockpit. In those areas where paper is still required, the aim is to continuously raise the recycling ratio.
As a founding member of the IPR, the ?Initiative Pro Recyclingpapier? (an alliance of companies from different sectors of German industry that aims to promote the sustainable use of paper), the Lufthansa Group is also involved in the IPR?s latest resources protection campaign, which runs under the slogan ?CEOs pro recycled paper?.
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Deutsche Lufthansa AG
Media Relations Lufthansa Group