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Q1 leisure bookings up 5.1 percent

DALLAS, Texas ? The leisure travel market delivered a promising first quarter for hoteliers globally as bookings grew +5.1% through the end of March, according to data released today by Pegasus Solutions in The Pegasus View. As first quarter volumes in the business and leisure sectors climbed past 2012 levels, rates also delivered, rising +1.7% in the corporate market and +1.4% for leisure.

Leisure travel bookings grew over prior year in general, helped by an early Easter holiday, and despite a shorter February. March volumes increased +5.9% over last year globally as rates grew +0.5% for the month. Length of stay and booking lead times were either on par with or gaining on prior year worldwide, indicating a promising consumer trend towards more international and long-haul travel.

?The stabilizing or improved performance evident in leisure market indicators suggests hotels should emerge from daily survival mode to actually focus on the future,? said David Millili, chief executive officer of Pegasus Solutions. ?When volume grows with rates, it means hotels aren?t pandering to win bookings by discounting. Instead, they are implementing and maintaining solid rate strategies with an eye to the future, making sure they are both available and bookable to seize a portion of growing demand.?

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Source: Thomas Steinmetz (2013). Q1 leisure bookings up 5.1 percent, eTurboNews? published May 01, 2013. Viewed May 02, 2013,