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Riyadh to have 20% of 155 new hotels planned across KSA

The number of hotel rooms in the Kingdom's five-star, four-star and three-star properties currently exceed 24,000 rooms in various categories.As many as 155 new starred hotels are expected to enter the Saudi market during 2014-2015, according to reports, which state that the Kingdom’s hospitality sector is growing at an annual rate exceeding 8.5 percent.

The latest statistics show that the number of hotel rooms in the Kingdom’s five-star, four-star and three-star properties currently exceed 24,000 rooms in various categories. There are around 55 hotels in Riyadh City, according to the Supreme Commission for Tourism and Antiquities, 15 of which are five-star properties; Riyadh has 20 percent of the Saudi hospitality market share.

Stephan Kaminski, who is appointed as the pre-operation GM, Burj Rafal Hotel Kempinski, Riyadh, said: “The hotel industry in Saudi Arabia is growing at a positive pace, and the volume of investment in this sector is one of the most important from the point of view of investors due to the Kingdom?s economic stability. This provides a safe haven for investments. Additionally, the occupancy rates reach 100 percent during specific periods of the year and an average of up to 75 percent throughout the year, especially in Riyadh.?

Kaminski added: ? The positive development of the hotel industry has prompted RAFAL, the premier residential communities? innovator, to appoint Kempinski Hotels, one of the most renowned luxurious European Hotels in the world, to operate their hotel at the Burj RAFAL Community and launch the Burj RAFAL Hotel Kempinski, Riyadh, which is set to open in early 2014.?

Burj Rafal Hotel Kempinski, Riyadh occupies 23 floors of a total of 70 floors at the Burj Rafal Community. Guests can choose from 350 luxury guestrooms, suites and serviced apartments, two restaurants, three cafes, conference facilities, ballroom for up to 2,000 guests, two spas and wellness centers for men and women. Attached and connected to the hotel will be a boulevard of selected boutiques, extending an elegant lifestyle to this unique community, ?a place to see and be seen.”

Kaminski said: “Burj Rafal Hotel Kempinski, Riyadh’s keenness on enriching the lifestyle offered at the Burj Rafal Community made it extend the delivery service offered at the hotel to the residents of the apartments in the tower, to offer a sense of refined luxury.?

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Source Arab News,