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Top 5 things women want in hotels

A survey just released by Hyatt Hotels has (finally) found that women are the main decision makers when it comes to booking travel and they like certain things in a hotel room. Here are the top five things women want…

Quality bathroom amenities
This is right up there for me as to save room I’ll often rely on hotel body moisturiser, shampoo and conditioner. More often than not though the quality is terrible (and even some “international brands” have shampoo that dries out your hair). I have even become fussy about which amenities I squirrel into my toilet bag these days. Hotels who supply top quality products for the coiffure will get the tick from most women.

Other things are:

Hair straighteners


No hassle borrow or buy

Yoga mats

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Source: Megan Singleton (2013). Top 5 things women want in hotels, The New Zealand Herald? published Apr 25, 2013. Viewed Apr 25, 2013,