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Finnair traffic performance

In December, Finnair traffic measured in Revenue Passenger Kilometres decreased by 2.7 per cent and the overall capacity decreased 0.9 per cent year?on?year. Passenger load factor decreased by 1.4 percentage points and was 75.8 per cent.

The capacity in Asian traffic grew by 1.6 per cent and the traffic measured in Revenue Passenger Kilometres by 0.3 per cent year?on?year.

European traffic measured in Revenue Passenger Kilometres grew by 12.1 per cent and capacity by 6.3 per cent year-on-year.

In October-December, the passenger unit revenue* per available seat kilometre fell by 4.6% year?on-year, and was 5.17 euro cents.

?Despite the positive load factor development in previous months, unit revenue for the last quarter decreased year?on?year, mainly reflecting continuing weakness of the Japanese Yen,? says Finnair CFO Erno Hild?n.

Leisure traffic measured in Revenue Passenger Kilometres decreased by 32.5 per cent and capacity decreased by 20.7 per cent year-on-year.

In cargo, traffic measured in revenue tonne kilometres grew by 1.2 per cent and the overall capacity grew by 2.3 per cent year-on-year. The load factor was 0.7 percentage points below last year?s level and was 65.0 per cent.

In December, 83.1 per cent of scheduled flights arrived on schedule (64.7). Of all traffic, 82.9 per cent (64.0) of flights were on schedule.

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Source Press Release,