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Next travel tech revolution is coming – Real-time reviews for hotels

Expedia revealed a new real-time tool for guest reviews just after check-in into their hotels, CNN reported. Premier impressions of service quality, cleanliness and location will be given by tipping on smileys and short text notices. The results will be distributed to the hotel operator – they could react immediately and avoid bad reviews.

Real-time tools are the next key technology in the travel industry. Uber just started a new driver app monitoring speed, hard braking and driving quality in general of their transport partners. This could help increasing satisfaction of the passengers and will generate positive reviews, Wall Street Journal reported.

The real-time tool of Expedia app will start first for airlines and car rentals. If and when this tool to become available for hotels, is not clear. Next question is, when hotel chains will react and start their own tools for real-time guest reviews.

Hotel Reviews - Olery