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500 private hotels join forces in ground-breaking cooperation – Launch of Global Alliance of Private Hotels

Copenhagen, Denmark – 18 September 2017 –
A new, world-wide hotel organization with over 500 individual members has seen the light of day. It is the merger of two existing hotel groups – Private Hotels Europe that represents more than 300 private owned hotels in Germany, Sweden, Austria and Denmark and Charme & Caratère Hotels that represents over 270 hotels all over the world.

Global Alliance of Private Hotels - From left: Leena Höbinger, Petit Hotel. Susanne Weiss, Ringhotels. Pelle Höbinger, Petit Hotel. Christina Neumeister-Böck, Naturidyll Hotels. Helle Nørby, Small Danish Hotels. Jacques Bartélémy, Hôtels de Charme & de Caratère. Bernd Kanzow, Ringhotels. Julien Valat, Hôtels de Charme & Caratère. Jørgen Christensen, Small Danish Hotels.
Global Alliance of Private Hotels – From left: Leena Höbinger, Petit Hotel. Susanne Weiss, Ringhotels. Pelle Höbinger, Petit Hotel. Christina Neumeister-Böck, Naturidyll Hotels. Helle Nørby, Small Danish Hotels. Jacques Bartélémy, Hôtels de Charme & de Caratère. Bernd Kanzow, Ringhotels. Julien Valat, Hôtels de Charme & Caratère. Jørgen Christensen, Small Danish Hotels.

Charme & Caratère Hotels is headquartered in France, but also represents hotels outside of Europe. Therefore, the world’s largest organization of privately owned hotels will be named “Global Alliance of Private Hotels” and consequently replaces the former Private Hotels Europe.

Besides Charme & Caratère Hotels, “Global Alliance of Private Hotels” also includes the hotel chains Ringhotels in Germany, Petit Hotel in Sweden, Naturidyll in Austria and Small Danish Hotels in Denmark.

A common value in the 500-strong hotel organization is the concept of service and quality. The global cooperation includes among others a valuable common marketing strategy in the international hotel business.

“The cooperation with Private Hotels Europe is interesting because it entails a large business potential for all implicated chains and hotels, that individually and as a united brand strengthens our position world-wide. Also, through this community we can achieve some attractive economies of scale and not least refer guests to each other,” says Jacques Bathélémy, president of Charme & Caratère Hotels.

The cooperation between the more than 500 hotels is already in effect.