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How green hotels save more water – Worlds first cistern uses condensate from air conditioning to flush toilets

How green hotels save more water - Worlds first cistern Encore uses condensate from air conditioning to flush toilets

Leeds, UK – 4 July 2017 –
The world’s first cistern to use condensate from air conditioning units to flush the toilet has been launched and would save 2.4 billion litres of water a year for the 302 MENA hotels currently being built. Encore is the most environmentally friendly cistern as it uses a free, sustainable water supply that has previously been drained to waste.

Encore is also suitable for hotels, villas, apartments, offices and anywhere with toilets and air conditioning. Encore Technical Director, David Davis, said: “Air conditioning units have a pipe that drains all the condensate away. We’ve developed the only cistern that uses this free water to flush the toilet. When you consider how many buildings use air conditioning globally, billions of litres of condensate water is generated all of which has been wasted – until now. All buildings need toilets so why wouldn’t you use a cistern that recycles a free, sustainable water source especially when there is a global water shortage crisis?”

Water savings
Data from hotel specialist STR Global shows 93,984 rooms in 302 hotels are currently being built in the MENA region.  Compared to traditional cisterns, using Encore would save the average 311-bed MENA hotel 7.9m litres based on standard 80% occupancy levels.  In total, Encore would save them 2.4bn litres of water a year, filling the equivalent of 960 Olympic swimming pools.

How it works
Encore holds 18-litres of water – three times more than a conventional cistern but its dual-chamber design means it fits like standard models. The bottom chamber holds 6-litres, which comes from the mains pipe.  The upper 12-liter chamber is filled with air conditioning condensate. When the toilet is flushed, the lower chamber empties then refills with condensate from the upper chamber. If there are multiple flushes close together or the air conditioning is not in use, the cistern is filled by the mains fed pipe. If the toilet is not used for a period, surplus condensate is fed away.