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Support our petition: Every boss without digital competency is immediately disempowered!

Hamburg, Germany – 21 July 2017 –
Anyone who deliberately or unknowingly opposes the rapidly evolving digitization will prevent the future for the next generation – and will be replaced! You can now support this central demand in our petition – sign here:

Those who have not developed for decades and have not heard from the Facebook Messenger yet can confidently resign. The overdue renewal among decision-makers, bosses and employers goes hand in hand with fresh thinking, disruptive innovation approaches and a portion of chutzpah.

Anyone who does not move by himself in times of social upheavals, fundamental technological revolutions and a strongly increased demand for communication is swamped by second-class algorithms. A striking example: Every self-running car will provide less dangerous accidents than a reactionary old-fashioned driver.

With this petition you set a sign at your own: the fast eats the slow! Drop from dead horses! Digitize yourself, hurry up!