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Top 10 digital trends for hotels – The problem with the hotel reviews: High average ratings are a matter of course today

Vienna, 01 February 2016 –
The hotel sector and their digital distribution channels are still undergoing a profound transformation. The ones, who miss the entrance into the networked distribution today, will get stuck in their tracks. The guests will still be attracted by different distribution channels, but the ways and formats will keep on changing and shifting. In uncertain times, strategic flexibility is a virtue.

The New Year is still young, but the requirements for tourism companies are rising. Marco Riederer of the tourism consultancy Prodinger sketches the outlook for an exciting upcoming year: „It is not only direct sales being affected by the dropping of rate parity in 2017. To further keep up with the number of guests and the level of guest satisfaction, we need to put our great attention to new tools and technological trends!“

High average ratings and the cost/benefit calculation The high density of hotel ratings in metropolitan areas will have reached their zenith soon. According to Riederer, “a high average rate is not a unique selling point anymore today. It is an obligation instead!“ Riederer says that in this digital era, the hotel sector needs to draw the right conclusions, also in terms of Social Media Marketing. According to the expert, „a lot of money and time is still randomly wasted, because the return on investment had not been accurately measured before!“

The tourism consultancy Prodinger has determined 10 digital trends for the tourism industry – from new pricing strategies up to e-mobility:

  1. The case of rate parity demands new pricing strategies
  2. The influence of meta search engines grows quickly
  3. High average ratings are not a unique selling point anymore, but an obligation
  4. Chatbots will be increasingly popular in the communication business
  5. Mobile check-ins become everyday companions
  6. Hotel marketing starts into the era of digital networking
  7. The „Billboard Effect“ comes to an end
  8. Airbnb & Co become role models for new distribution concepts
  9. E-Mobility continues to proceed and opens up new marketing perspectives
  10. Robotised services and artificial intelligence are gaining ground.