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Nominations open for world’s worst in travel

By Hilary Whiteman, CNN

Travel delays are a disaster for some holidaymakers. Who wants to spend hours cramped in a crowded airport?LONDON, England (CNN) — Tired of the tripe being dished up by some of his contemporaries, one travel writer has launched his own bid to find the worst of the worst in the tourism industry.

“There are enough carrots in this business, they need to have someone working the whip as well,” laughs Doug Lansky, the creator of “Titanic Awards,” a new online forum inviting travel-weary tourists to share their tales of the woe on the road.

Videos and photos are requested as photographic proof of the worst-ever, well, anything you can think of.

Readers are also asked to complete a survey for what Lansky hopes will be a definitive guide as to what to avoid while on holiday. He’s already secured a book deal scheduled for release in 2010.

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Source:? Hilary Whiteman (2009). Nominations open for world’s worst in travel,? CNN published May 27, 2009. Viewed May 27, 2009,?