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Expert reveals top tips for making meetings notes on a tablet

As an increasing number of workplaces are embracing BYOD, or Bring Your Own Device, it’s only natural for tablets to appear at meetings in greater numbers.

That’s according to mobile news expert James Kendrick, writing for

As a result, tablets are being used as digital note takers for employees looking to jot down any key events during a meeting.

Kendrick cited one of the reasons why tablets are being used in abundance: “Whether you take notes with a stylus or a keyboard, it is important to remember that digital notes on a tablet have a big advantage over the old-school paper variety. That is the ability to search the notes which is possible with many apps.”

In addition, Kendrick claimed that if a job requires a certain knowledge of complicated technical terms, it could be worth ‘developing your own shorthand’ in order to jot them down quickly.

Many tablets also have recording facilities, adds Kendrick, so if holding a meeting in a conference space and transcribing the meeting later is more helpful than jotting down notes at the time, a tablet can allow that.

There’s bad news for those that aren’t happy with this trend and the tablet revolution in general, as figures cited by claim that 81 per cent of owners of Apple’s latest iPad are very satisfied with the gadget.


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Source: The Brewery Industry News