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Hotel Performance Outlook ? May 2012

hotel market performance outlook Australia

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The Australian hotel industry wagon is still running at multiple speeds, it seems. ?Despite the high speed in the cities, or maybe because of that, hoteliers seem unable to hold the curve at times and lose sight of the rate objective, offering discounted room rates when room occupancies are showing only the slightest hint of decline.

Regional and leisure destinations on the other hand are still struggling uphill, and for them room rate can be an effective weapon to incite interest and persuade Australians to remain here, rather than spending more time overseas.

Perth is well underway to overtake Sydney, both in room occupancy as well as room rate. ?New development is still a few years away, and even then is unlikely to make a significant dent in a continuing boom in the cities. ?Both the Gold Coast and TNQ should see occupancy and rate improving towards the later end of our forecast.