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How much precious time and money do you waste on staff issues?

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Workers are becoming more aware of their Employment Law and Health & Safety rights. For an employer, this can leave you extremely exposed if you do not have the necessary contracts of employment, risk assessments, guidelines, policies and systems in place to deal with these subjects. As a preferred supplier for BHA members, Citation plc is the industry leading expert in protecting the employer in all aspects of Personnel, Employment Law and Health & Safety regulations.

Every year, close on half of all UK businesses seek external advice about how to follow regulations, spending a staggering ?1.4 billion. Health & Safety regulations are seen as being nearly twice as much an obstacle to business success as any other area of legislation. Some 69%of employers say that they have no effective protection against employees making wholly unjustifiable claims to employment tribunals.

Employment Law

Without formal Employment Law policies, contracts of employment and guidelines, companies heighten the risk of unwanted disputes such as Disciplinary Action, Dismissals and Employment Tribunals.

Employment Tribunals in particular can be expensive, time consuming, very damaging to staff morale, and very bad for business. By talking to Citation, you can put your Personnel and Employment Law in the hands of professionals. Citation Employment Law clients that follow our advice are at least 12 times less likely to face an Employment Tribunal.

The Personnel and Employment Law service is delivered by an experienced team of advisors, barristers, solicitors and HR professionals all with practical experience. All clients have unlimited access to our 24 hour expert Helpline, 365 days a year where Employment Law advice is available when you need it from qualified experts.

Health & Safety

Health & Safety regulations, designed to protect employees in the work place, are an important part of business. After all, everyone wants to reduce accidents at work. But as the law becomes ever more onerous, who is there to protect the employer? Who can an employer turn to for help with vital, yet complicated and time consuming compliance issues such as Health & Safety Policies, Risk Assessments and COSHH.

From October, the penalties for non compliance with health & safety will become even tougher with the introduction of the HSE?s new FFI scheme. Under new powers given to them by Government, FFI will allow the HSE to charge you for their time and any letters they send to you if they find any breaches or ?contraventions? in health & safety on your premises which need rectifying.

As part of its FFI planning, the HSE has calculated that in order to recover its costs for a single breach of health & safety, the cost to your business will be:

  • Inspection, resulting in written notification by letter or email – ?750
  • Inspection, resulting in an enforcement notice – ?1,500
  • Investigations – Could be tens of thousands of pounds

It is worth bearing in mind that Citation finds an average of 24 health and safety contraventions when inspecting a new client for the first time. If you are not 100% confident that your health & safety systems and procedures would stand up to close inspection from the HSE, we can help.

By teaming up with Citation you are working with a company that puts quality and client satisfaction first. The Citation Queen?s Award winning Employment Law and Health and Safety advice and compliance packages are, simply put, the best on the market. Use them and follow our advice and you will achieve legal compliance and protection.

Citation is proud of its contribution towards the creation of a safe and fair business environment, whilst at the same time relieving the burden of regulatory compliance from its clients.

For more information please take a look at our website or alternatively contact us on [email protected] or 0845 844 1111