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The best places to do a dance dare

Our Dare to Dance competition is in full swing, and we?re getting closer to announcing the winner of the Apple iPad. We?re even giving away R100 Mr Price vouchers to weekly winners who produce the best video each week!

Dance dares are awesome fun ? your only excuse for not having done one yet has to be that you don?t have any ideas for where to go or what to do…

So here are some handy hints!

Where to go and what to do

  1. dance dareThe grocery store. People are browsing the shelves, paying attention to prices and products ? not you! They?ll barely notice you busting a move while they?re making the tough decision ? 1-ply or 2-ply?
  2. Shopping mall escalators. They go one way ? up or down ? and that?s exactly where people are looking; up or down… So get behind them, have your friend stand at the top or bottom of the escalator, and get dancing!
  3. The gym. Everyone likes to be in their bubble at gym ? they don?t look left or right, they plug in their music, and wham, they?re in another world! The dance dare options are endless: treadmill runners, stationary bike cyclers, rowing machine…uh…rowers, you name it!
  4. The beach. Find someone who?s face-planted firmly in the sand, and doesn?t look like they?ll be re-applying their lotion anytime soon, and dance like no-one?s watching! Of course everyone else will be watching…but as long as the person you?re dance-daring behind doesn?t notice, you?re A for away!
  5. The office. Got a photocopier? Or a coffee machine? Sneak up behind whoever?s trying to waste time waiting and shake what your mama gave you!

dare to dance competitionThings to keep in mind

Try not to get caught. This may seem obvious, but pick your targets and do your best to stay out of their radar. Most people have peripheral vision, so watch where they?re looking and react as quickly as they can move.

Think fast. If you do get caught, have a plan for what you?re going to be doing to look as ?normal? as possible under the circumstances. Busy bending down to touch the floor when they look back? Reach for that item on the bottom shelf!

If you don?t have a state of the art video camera, keep your dance dare video to well-lit locations. It?s all very well busting your moves in a crowded bar where no-one will notice, but if there?s no light, your dance artistry will have been wasted…

video competition

Be creative. We?re not going to award the iPad for any old video ? we want you to dance behind as many people as possible! Give us a montage of you dancing behind loads of different unsuspecting strangers, slap on a catchy song, and now we?re talking!

Basically, show us how much you want it. We?re talking people with the personality for hospitality here ? we want to see outgoing, creative, rock ?n roll videos that make us laugh until we cry. So go on, get cracking ? we dare you…

Thanks for reading The best places to do a dance dare
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