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Air France, the EDF Group, La Poste Group and Bernard Julhiet award the 11th ?Qualit? & Performance? Book Prize

The ?Qualit? & Performance? Book of the Year 2012 

The winning book ??changes r?ciproques de savoirs en entreprise? offers to maximize the potential of employees to successfully adapt to the new constraints imposed by the modern era of knowledge and information. This often means a renewal of models of transmission and acquisition of knowledge. But to be innovative, efficient and responsible, the company of the future will need to go further and put people at the heart of its business. The ?R?seau d’?changes r?ciproques de savoirs? (RERS) meets this need in a dual way.

The 2012 jury also awarded three special prizes 

The reading committee composed of twenty business professionals and academics also awarded prizes for the best books published this year on the issues of quality and research performance which all companies face. These books were distinguished from among twenty books shortlisted: 

  • Special award ?Dynamique collective?: Daniel Ollivier, for ?Management 2.0? published by Afnor
  • Special award ?enjeux actuels?: Patrick Besson, Hubert Heckmann, Fr?d?ric Petitbon, Jeanne Rodriguez and Edouard Tessier for ?Conduire la transformation? published by Dunod
  • Special award ?Pratique?: Florence Gillet-Goinard and Bernard Seno for ?La bo?te ? outils du Responsable Qualit?? published by Dunod 

These books offer viewpoints and ways of thinking to support top executives and human resource managers in carrying out their duties. For the parent companies of this prize, the promotion of quality, performance and management initiatives are at the heart of their organizational issues.
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