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World Routes: ‘Team Australia’ target Chinese arrivals

Sydney Photo: PeterB /

Sydney Photo: PeterB  / pixelio.deAndrew McEvoy, CEO of Tourism Australia, said the destination marketing organization forecast 226% growth from China in the next 10 years.

The USA will also continue to prove to be a core market for the destination, with 133% growth forecast for the next decade. These two markets are a focus for new air service to Australia, although the destination is performing strongly from nearly all its source markets.

Australia welcomed 6.3 million visitors in 2012 ? an increase of 6% in leisure tourists on 2011. This was despite the persistently strong Australian dollar, which has made the destination more expensive for traditional European markets.

?The growth is coming from Asia, from China and places like India, Singapore and Malaysia. The UK, US and Europe are seeing a return to growth. The Kiwis keep coming. The only dark spot is Japan,? he said.

McEvoy said Tourism Australia prioritized a team approach to air services, as nearly all tourists arrive by aircraft. He said Australia?s own carriers were performing well, but the real growth was coming from airlines in China, the Middle East, and South East Asia.

McEvoy outlined Tourism Australia?s approach to air services development, which sees it work with its airports as ?Team Australia? at major trade shows including World Routes.

?We are much more aligned to our airline partners [than some other destinations]. We see our number one role being to help fill existing seats and leverage those dollars,? he said.

?Then we also look at how to get more seats and we work with airlines on increasing capacity or introducing new services,? he said.

In terms of market segmentation, McEvoy said youth travel remained vital for Australia. ?Twenty six percent of arrivals are under 30 years old and they spend A$12.5 billion. They then go on to play an advocacy role for us for life. Our Six Best Jobs in the World campaign was all about that and the winners have become advocates for us,? he said.

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Source Routes News,