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Air France co-organizer of the 12thQuality & Performance Book Award Ceremony

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The book describes employees? new aspirations and the concrete measures taken by the more innovative companies to adapt, or how to make sense of the human dimension of tomorrow’s company using a Quality approach.
This twelfth edition presented two new features:?
the integration of Quality Master’s students in the reading committee made up of company and university quality professionals;
speeches by celebrities during the ceremony: Guy Ontanon, French National Team coach and 2005 world champion of the men’s 4x100m relay who underlined the similar requirements involved in achieving top performance between the world of sport and companies, and Claude Cham, president of the France Quality Performance Association who reminded those present that Quality has an increasingly vital role to play for the younger generations in these times of uncertainty and change.
?Reference?, ?Team performance?, ?Favourite pick?: three distinguishing awards
The 2013 awards also included three special prizes distinguishing the best publications presenting new approaches, a pertinent interest or topical feature on the theme of Quality and Performance. R?my Le Moigne for ?Supply chain management? published by Dunod editions won the ?Reference? award, Henri-Pierre Maders for ?Animer une ?quipe projet avec succ?s? published by Eyrolles editions won the ?Team performance? award and Rolf Dobelli for ?Arr?tez de vous tromper!? published by Eyrolles editions won the ?Favourite pick? award.
All these books offer bases for reflection, concrete ideas or keys, and descriptions of personal experiences that support HR managers and players involved in innovative approaches or risk management in the performance of their functions.
On congratulating the authors, and on behalf of Air France Pierre Girault, VP QSE Development Quality and Coordination, highlighted the “added value” of the publication in terms of the support it offers.
To find out more about the Ceremony and the award-winning publications:

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