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The tourism outlook for 2014

Beach Tourism Photo: Katharina Wieland M?ller /

Beach Tourism Photo: Katharina Wieland M?ller  / pixelio.deA New Year is a chance for new beginnings. What is true of the world in general is also true of tourism. The tourism industry does not live apart from the rest of the world. It is deeply attached to the economy’s undulations, sensitive to issues of security, and can be impacted by a host of unexpected events, ranging from a health crisis to a natural disaster. Certainly 2013 had its successes and challenges and we can expect that 2014 may offer more of the same. Although no one can predict the state of the world throughout 2014, here are some trends that tourism specialists and professionals may want to watch.

1. The state of the economy.?Tourism is highly dependent on economic trends. In the latter half of the twentieth century and the first decade of the twenty-first century, tourism marketing has placed its emphasis on the middle class market. To a great extent this assumption was highly logical. The middle class forms the largest travel group, and it is only moderately demanding,.

2. Sociologically, tourism customers tend to be forgiving of tourism mistakes and somewhat tolerant of less than perfect customer service.?The middle class is perhaps the most vulnerable to economic highs and lows and tends to be the class that most easily panics during a downturn. Because the middle class often buys on credit, the cost of credit will have a major impact on its ability and willingness to purchase what appears to it to be non-essential services. On a positive note, in many of the developing economies there is a rising middle class, and these new middle classes appear to be following the same sociological patters as the middle classes in the more traditionally established economies. Tourism marketers and professionals then would do well to be alert to the following economic trends.

a.?Track the cost of credit. Because so much of the middle class’ purchases for expendable items is dependent on credit, it is essential to track the trends in credit. If interest rates rise, then middle class purchases become more expensive. When interest rates fall, the same item or service becomes less expensive.

b.?Watch and understand set costs that impact the middle class.?The middle class must live on some form of budget. That means that if there is a major rise in taxes or other required services, the middle class may tend to hold back on what it considers luxury items. For example, in the United States right now there is doubt as to what the cost of health care will be in 2014. Should the cost go down, then, psychologically, the public’s willingness to travel may rise (assuming all else being the same). Should health care costs, however, spiral; then the tourism industry may suffer.

c.?Pay attention to the stock markets around the world.?When the stock markets tend to rise, many people feel wealthier and are more willing to spend money. The opposite is true of a falling market. Note that the psychological macro impact is not connected to an individual’s personal wealth. Members of the middle class tend to spend money as influenced by macro rather than micro trends.

3. What is true of the middle class is not necessarily true for other economic classes. Although the lower economic classes do not do a lot of pleasure travel, those in the upper classes tend to be less economically dependent regarding leisure travel. Those who form part of the upper strata of society, however, tend to be more demanding and expect an ever-greater number of services. Members of this cohort rarely believe marketing. Marketing has an inverse relationship to wealth and education. Thus, wealthier and better educated people tend to pay less attention to printed or televised marketing than do those who are firmly in the middle classes of a society.

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Source Hotel Online,